Comedian Harmonists 2

In fact the “Comedian Harmonists” took an example from an already existing model “The Revelers”, an American group, created exactly 85 years ago, on 30th of November 1924.
It seems that “they all made solo records as well and recorded in various combinations as vocalists with dance bands, often uncredited“.

“The Revelers” with “Was it a dream”, recorded in 1928:

Another of their songs – “Lucky day”:

The “Comedian Harmonists” were not the only singer ensemble in Germany – an interesting research went on Youtube about the German group called “Die Abels” or later “Die 5 Songs”. As the member wally1435 on Youtube pointed out about them: “a group of Hungarians, who found success in Germany, they were an inspiration to the Comedian Harmonists, who soon surpassed them in popularity”:


The groups then changed easily (too easily?) their names. The same “Die Abels” can also be found as “Abel-Quartett”:

“Bei Lied und Wein”:

Who knows, if the American „The Mills Brothers“ were an inspiration to the “Comedy Harmonists” too? It could be – “The Mills Brothers” appeared in the late 1920’s. And they survived all through the years. Some of their many wonderful songs:

“Tiger Rag”:

“Till then”:

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